Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obscurity - What ever does it mean!!

When I had to decide on a name for my blog, the one word that stuck out was 'Obscurity'. Now when I looked up that word in wordweb on my laptop it said:

Noun : Obscurity ub'skyu`ritee
The quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand

I wonder why I felt that way. Its been almost two whole months and I haven't the faintest idea. So lets just see what it could mean.
Its described as being a quality, like a character trait of a person. Ok so far.
'of being unclear'. Now, ok, I can understand that too. At times people like to create a mystery about themselves. Not everyone likes to be an open book. We have our pasts, our present and our hidden ambitions. Now is this what it means? Was that what I was feeling? I wanted to be left alone perhaps, or I didn't want people to take every word I spoke and then stamp it on me. Is this going a little out of proportion. Maybe not, I am allowed to feel, aren't I? (Lots of I's here).

The other meaning of the word could be that its the quality of a person who is hopelessly never understood. Now I wouldn't call it a quality but its a state of the person to want to mean something but ends up being misunderstood.
So does the person want to be abstruse purposely or is he doomed to be never understood.
At the end of all this if I were reading this I would say, "Whatever is she saying"
Now am I being obscure or plain silly.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

First time !

There's always a first time for everything. A first time to school, first time to a dance, first time on a date, first kiss and well it goes on. There's a lot of tension before those first steps. But once across it all seems like a piece of cake.

Well this is a new one for me. A space of my own. Wow! It can't get better than this. Oh, no, no. I am not one of those who have lots to write about or have great things to say. I don't think of myself as someone who can change the world. Nope. none of that. I am not even sure how far I will go with this thing. Nonetheless these steps need to be taken. I am sure for those before me, millions infact this may seem crazy. I might be blowing things way out of proportion. ( I tend to do that, I just love to paint a bigger picture).

So here I am. Venturing into the unknown. Looking forward to the horizons ahead of me. Waiting to see my pool of thoughts on this little oasis of mine. And maybe, if I am not too optimistic, find a few viewer comments.

Well here's to first times! Cheers.